9 Jan 2012

5c)Reader on professional ethics and how does the theories relate to my professional practice

In the first place, there are four important contexts in which ethics can be applied to our everyday lives before we go any further and there are: Personal; Professional and  Organizational.

l  Personal: This relates to the principles of an individual and the way they behave in their daily life. Family values, educational background, religion and conscience. All these could relate to the ethical standards we are born with and what is influenced by our surrounding and upbringing. For example, family values is the primary and the most important aspect to influence the person throughout his or her whole life. As parents are the first teachers for their children and everything the parents do will directly affect the child and it is normally noticed that children are seemed as the reflection of their parents. I believe that our personal ethics are heavily influenced by our family and upbringing. Every time, when I have troubles or face dilemma, the person I always think or ask for advice would be my dad, eg. what would he do if he had this? or what would he tell me for solutions?…etc. This is because I think my parents have formed my personal ethics and what I would consider to the ‘right’ thing to do will always seek advice from them. On the other hand, some other people I know are completely different from what I was born and have been raised.

l  Professional: Today, most professions have developed an ethical stance which is sometimes expressed as a code of conduct. Myself, for instance, I am a freelance makeup artist and I don’t normally get set out in a written contract. However, I have come across the professional ethics of doing all within my best to bring respect to myself and my business, also create a good reputation for my freelance is my responsibility. In addition, I use my personal ethics in a professional situation and I think I have always acted appropriately in the professional environment. Moreover, I have come across ‘courtesy and tact’ should be always used when dealing with clients, co-workers and other business contacts. It is expressed by the way I greet my clients and my voice in conversation. (This can be categorized into the part of ‘effective communication’ and this part is all about human relations, courtesy and tact and business ethics) I think this can be applied to all notions of work in the fashion and art field. For courtesy, there is also a code of conduct stating the way to behave, it is expressed when I show respect for the client’s feelings regarding her likes and dislikes, and by not calling attention to anything negative about her appearance. For instance, although I may think her purple eyeshadow is ghastly, it is said that the code of conduct which I should far more professional to suggest another color than to criticize her choices. I think this is also common sense as well when interacting with people at work.

In addition to above, ‘voice and speech’ can be considered for the best opportunities in my field, the way I talk, the voice should be precise and clear in my choice of words. It is important to adhere to the code of conduct and insure avoiding confusion or pretentious speech, euphemisms, slang and tired clichés. Reviewing the case study – presenting findings in the reader, considering the suitability of terminology used with regard to people, obviously there are ethical issues. Always be aware of how you communicate. To communicate effectively does not mean I need to impress the client with technically overpowering vocabulary. People respond better to simple, direct language and a friendly, courteous tone of voice. Therefore, whenever you are interacting with people or presenting finding regarding people, the use of good language and intelligent conversation will serve me well as a professional makeup artist. I believe effective communication and correct social behavior will do more to get you to the top than anything else.

Tact: as a makeup artist, from observations and experiences, tact is intuitive sense of appreciation for the feelings of others and the skillful avoidance of doing or saying anything that offends. As a professional makeup artist should use both courtesy and tact when dealing with clients, coworkers and other business contacts. Also, topics that need to be avoided while dealing with the client or working with colleagues as follow:
²  Criticism of coworkers
²  Revealing his or her personal problems
²  Marital troubles
²  My competitors

l  Organizational: Finally there is origanizational ethics. This refers to the established ‘ethos’ of an organization. As I am a freelance makeup artist and a full time fashion styling student studying at London college of fashion, I don’t have a employer to work for at the moment so I don’t think I have much to talk about or being eligible to discuss this point at this time.

All these three ethical contexts (personal, professional and organizational) is that the purpose of them all is to promote social good. This can be related to religion as religion was created to keep order when there was no official law. According to the reader, religion used to be essential to promote a civilized way of life as they were able establish simple laws, it was the first law lie a rule or structure that has been developed through time and time to provide us the system we have today in order to make the community to obey.

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